Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pet Hedgehog


Knuckles was my pet hedgehog. My spikey little guy. I know it's an odd pet to have but I love odd and exotic pets . I found him on sale at my local pet store. Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals or night animals. He would run for hours at night in his excersice wheel. Hedgehogs are not clean animals at least not Knuckles. As you can see Knuckles did get a spa treatment once a week. He loved bubble baths! Hedgehogs have a bit of a temper though. When I would go to get him out of his cage he would roll up into a ball and make a uninique huffing noises then would jump to poke you with his quills this was his defense mechanism from anything the hedgehog is unsure of. Hedgehogs also sleep rolled up in a ball. Hedgehogs are known to foam from their mouths thinking it is creating a toxic substance to rub on it's quills to help provide protection. Usually happens when hedgehog thinks it's in danger which is usually always or after eating certain things. When Knuckles first did this I thought you werido and I did not understand what the heck he was doing so I did some research so I could understand his odd behavior. I found out it was a defense stratagy to help him blend in with his surroundings. Each quill on a hedgehog points in several different directions making for a quick poke. Hedgehogs are very easy to care for and are cute. For treats he prefered meal worms, eewww I know right! HAHAHA That was probably one thing I disliked about my pet hedgehog. Knuckles lived for 5 years, he past away on 1/1/2011. Do you or anyone you know have an exotic pet?  Please do share I'd love to hear all about it.


Covnitkepr1 said...

Thanks for the follow.
I didn’t see a follow widget on this site, but if you put one up...I will gladly follow you publicly as well.
If you wish, click on “dashboard” on the top right of your main blog…then click on “layout” on the left side of the page, “add a gadget” on the right side column…that takes you to the "basics" list. On the left of that list is a "more Gadgets" option. Click on that one and it's the first option. Says..."FOLLOW"

Pepper Pieces said...

I added the follow Gadget. I'm new to Blogger and appreciate your help!! Thank You so much!! :)

Covnitkepr1 said...
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Covnitkepr1 said...

It's your choice...but you'll get a better responce from visiting bloggers if you have a follow wedgit that shows thier avatars.

Blogspot has changed just a little since you last tried.

If you wish, click on “dashboard” or “design” on the top right of your main blog…then click on “layout” on the left side of the page, “add a gadget” on the right side column…that takes you to the "basics" list. On the left of that list is a "more Gadgets" option. Go to it and scroll and click on that one that simply says “FOLLOW"

Pepper Pieces said...

Oh my! There are so many settings Hahaha Hopefully this time I have it right! Please let me know Again Thank You So Much for Your Help!!

Covnitkepr1 said...

Thats it. Great.